[UPDATE: We now only need to sell less than 200 tickets!]

HOPE XV is just about a month away and we're still adding talks, workshops, and special events to the program. Updates can be seen at https://www.hope.net.

We need your help to get the word out in order to keep this 30-year-old event going. For a variety of reasons, a number of which are affecting various events nationwide, our ticket sales are not where they need to be at this point. If you haven't bought a ticket yet, please do (https://store.2600.com/products/tickets-to-hope-xv), or if you can't attend in person but want to support us with a virtual ticket (https://store.2600.com/products/tickets-to-hope-xv-virtual-attendee), that will also help in a big way.

We need to sell another 300 tickets to get to where we need to be in order to make HOPE as great as we all anticipate. Nothing will stop the conference from happening (we're hackers after all and will figure out a way), but we want to avoid cutting back on expenditures that will ensure we can have the HOPE we all deserve. We believe we can meet this challenge and continue the tradition. But we need your help getting the word out, as that has been particularly difficult with Google's antics earlier this year and the overall fracturing of social media. Plus, in case you can't tell, we are absolutely terrible at PR.

But what we lack in promotion is made up for in the quality of the events we put on. The amount of enthusiasm from speakers, vendors, workshop presenters, and performers is higher than ever. If we can meet this one last challenge, this will be a truly historic event.

HOPE XV will take place at St. John's University from July 12-14, 2024.